Toasts can be such a beautiful moment at a wedding! The perfect toast is a mixture of sentimental & entertaining! It’s got to have enough pizazz to keep both sides of families & friends engaged and create a build up to the rest of the evening. (It’s almost party time!)
Now, we definitely understand that being asked to deliver a wedding speech can be intimidating, even down right scary! But, we here at The Union Studio are ready to share our top tips for writing an unforgettable wedding toast! Let’s get started!

Don’t waste your opening line!
There’s a running joke with wedding professionals about how often people start their toasts with “For those of you who don’t know me…” The first line of your speech will determine if people pay attention to you or their dinner rolls. Inject a little humor right at the beginning with a quippy opener like:
“I want to start by saying that, of all the weddings I’ve attended over the years, this one is, by far, the most recent.”
“The couple actually had a bit of trouble finding someone to make a speech today. They started by asking their funniest friend, and they said no. Then they asked their most charming friend, and they said no. After that, they asked their best-looking friend and, again, they said no. Then they asked me, and, after already turning them down three times, I couldn’t refuse again.”
Bonus tip: Feeling nervous about getting started? Take a deep breath before you begin, exhale slowly, and speak your first words clearly and loudly. You’ve got this!

If you’ve got a ‘bit’, go big or go home!
What do we mean by a bit? If you’re planning something elaborate like a poem, rap, or song, we think you should go all in! Nothing is more awkward than a personalized rap of Ice Ice Baby where the performers are feeling shy or embarrassed. We’re not saying don’t have fun! If that’s your vibe with the couple, go for it! Just really go for it!
Incorporate personal touches, but know your audience!
Your toast should be written with the couple in mind! Some gentle ribbing or silly stories can totally be a great addition to your speech, but know your audience! Anything too personal, too “inside”, or too inappropriate should not make the cut! Funny, but classy! That should be the goal!

Keep it short & sweet.
We know you’ve been there. You’re at wedding, the toasts begin and it feels like they just won’t end! Don’t be the person who stands between guests and cake! Three minutes max is a great reference point. Keep it punchy, upbeat, and end on a high note!
One more bonus tip! Feeling extra nervous? Check out a local Toastmaster’s Club to get some practice public speaking! Nothing will make you feel more confident than practice in front of a group of people!
Keep these tips in mind and your wedding speech will be a smash!

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